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Henry Publishing Group is an open access, multidisciplinary, international online publishing house, where it promotes publishing of the latest research in the fields of science. The Henry Publishing Group publishes all types of articles like research, reviews, short communication, case reports, mini review, opinion, commentaries, theory, editorials etc., to disseminate the knowledge globally. The article quality is standardized by the strictly blinded peer review process. Henry Publishing Group has been disciplined into Clinical, Medical and Life Sciences. The researchers unveil the laws of nature to the society by research. Henry Publishing Group intensifies sharing of knowledge to the scientific community and helps for the betterment of society. This lays the best forum for scientists, researchers, surgeons, physicians and pedagogy to communicate strengthen and expands the integrity of original research, also assists for the professional development.

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What is essential is invisible to the eye

Inês Araújo Oliveira*; Inês Pires Duro; Francisca Strecht Guimarães; Paula Fernandes; Alzira Sarmento

In children, COVID-19 is characterized by generally less severe symptoms and a lower case fatality than in adults. 'Silent hypoxia' is characterized by significant hypoxia with- out important signs of respiratory distress and has been described in adults but not in pediatric patients...

A chloride-centered approach for analyzing the association of changes in red blood cell and plasma volumes under worsening of heart failure

Hajime Kataoka*

The electrolyte chloride is the key electrolyte for regulating red blood cell volume and also plasma volume under transition of HF status, both from stability to worsening and recovery. The present study examined serum chloride concentration-centered association of the changes in red blood cell volume and plasma volume under transition of HF from stability to worsening of HF. ....

Intraday variability of albumin, ALT, AST, gamma-glutamyl transferase and lactate dehydrogenase in intensive care patients

Max Bell; Johan Martensson; Bo Ravn; Magnus Hansson; Anders Larsson*

It is important to be able to separate the nonspecific variation of biomarkers from disease- or treatment-specific changes but there is limited information regarding intra-day variability of biomarkers for liver damage in intensive care patients...

Management of Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens Caused by a Giant Leiomyoma

Elisabeth Ekkel*, T Chandran, R Qasawa, M Trpkovski and S Hans

This case is of a young female with a large uterine leiomyoma causing phlegmasia cerulean dolens with thrombosis of the left common and left external iliac veins. She underwent mechanical thrombectomy to temporize the condition...

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