Henry Journal of Ophthalmology & Optometry

Henry Publishing Group

About the Journal

Journal of Ophthalmology & Optometry is an international open access peer reviewed journal which dedicated to publishing precise and latest advancements in the field of vision science. The journal emphasizes original research articles, reviews and case reports, that lays a path to the ophthalmologists and optometrists to publish their innovative ideas.

Journal of Ophthalmology & Optometry focuses on different aspects of eye surgery such as post lasik conditions and care, surgically induced astigmatism, cataract surgery, corneal transplant success rate, paecilomyces infection, clear corneal incision, post-operative corneal melt, malyugin ring cataract surgery are under the scope of the journal.

Subjects areas Include:

Journal of Ophthalmology & Optometry considers articles on ophthalmology and Optometry related issues such as Ophthalmia neonatorum, Pterygium histology, Aphakic glaucoma, Acute zonal Occult outer retinopathy (AZOOR), Hypertrophic pachymeningitis, Phacomorphic glaucoma, Pseudoexfoliation syndrome, Binasal hemianopsia, Bitemporal heteronymous hemianopsia, Cycloplegic refraction, Cycloplegic drugs, Macular edema, Optical coherence tomography (OCT), Juxta fovea retinal telangiectasis, Central serous retinopathy treatment, Involutional ectropion, Impaired depth perception, Lacrimal fistula, Sagging eye syndrome, Spontaneous periorbital ecchymosis, Neonatal conjunctivitis, Ocular pemphigoid, Non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) and Arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AAION), Eye, Macular pseudohole, Scleromalacia perforans and Subperiosteal haemorrhage.

quality articles are welcome for submission which will aid in attaining high impact factor.

Authors may submit the manuscripts through the journal's online submission or as an e-mail attachment to ophthalmology@henrypublishers.com

  • Antibiotics
  • Applied Biotechnology
  • Biocatalysis
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biotechnology Applications
  • Blue Biotechnology
  • Cardiovascular Biomaterials
  • Enzymes
  • Functional Genomics
  • Gene Expression
  • Gene Therapy
  • Genetic Manipulation
  • Green Biotechnology
  • Modern Biotechnology
  • Nano Biotechnology
  • Pesticides
  • Proteomics
  • Red Biotechnology
  • Structural Genomics
  • Transgenic Plants
  • White Biotechnology

Latest Articles

OCTA Quantitative Macular Microvascular Changes in Series of Uveitic Patients

Mohamed Attia Ali Ahmed and Ahmed Shawkat Abdelhalim*

To quantitatively assess vascular changes in retinal plexuses and choriocapillaries in patients with uveitis using Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA). ...

No-Alcohol Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis (LASEK) and Photo Refractive Keratectomy (PRK) for the Correction of Low to Medium Myopia: A Review of the Literature

Leopoldo Spadea*, Maria Pia Paroli and Luca Spadea

PhotoRefractive Keratectomy (PRK) procedure is commonly used to correct myopia and astigmatism. PRK involves the use of an excimer laser to reshape the anterior corneal surface [1]. The excimer laser alters the refractive state ...

The Correlation between Choroidal Thickness and Keratoconus Severity among Saudi Population (Albaha)

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To investigate and compare sub foveal CHoroidal Thickness (ChT) and macular thickness in Kerato Conus patients (KC) with age-matched controls. ...

Training during COVID-19: Some Unexpected Positives?

Edward John Ridyard*

Since March 2020 as clinicians we have seen a radical change to how outpatient clinics operate. Long queues of patients waiting to answer COVID-19 symptom questionnaires as well as the unnerving sight of socially distanced waiting areas ...