Henry Journal of Case Reports & Imaging

ISSN : 2565-6082

Henry Publishing Group

About the Journal

ISSN : 2565-6082

Henry Journal of Case Reports & Imaging is an open access, multidisciplinary, online journal of Henry Publishing Group which provides a platform for the surgeons and physicians by publishing the novel medical case reports. The article of the journal provokes challenging reports to the physicians and strives to develop knowledge on effective prevention methods of treatment. The journal also presents rare and unusual images of medical cases.

Henry Journal of Case Reports & Imaging is a peer reviewed Journal that publishes novel research work conducted as case reports in the medical field on various types of diseases, covering their respective clinical and diagnosis issues.

Henry Journal of Case Reports & Imaging is an Open Access Scientific Journal that offers an interesting publishing platform globally and aims to keep scientists, clinicians and medical practitioners, researchers, and students informed and updated on the ongoing research in the relevant area.

Authors may submit the manuscripts through the journal's online submission or as an e-mail attachment to case-reports@henrypublishers.com

  • Antibiotics
  • Applied Biotechnology
  • Biocatalysis
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biotechnology Applications
  • Blue Biotechnology
  • Cardiovascular Biomaterials
  • Enzymes
  • Functional Genomics
  • Gene Expression
  • Gene Therapy
  • Genetic Manipulation
  • Green Biotechnology
  • Modern Biotechnology
  • Nano Biotechnology
  • Pesticides
  • Proteomics
  • Red Biotechnology
  • Structural Genomics
  • Transgenic Plants
  • White Biotechnology

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