Henry Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Medicine

ISSN : 2565-5752

Henry Publishing Group


A chloride-centered approach for analyzing the association of changes in red blood cell and plasma volumes under worsening of heart failure

Hajime Kataoka*

The electrolyte chloride is the key electrolyte for regulating red blood cell volume and also plasma volume under transition of HF status, both from stability to worsening and recovery. The present study examined serum chloride concentration-centered association of the changes in red blood cell volume and plasma volume under transition of HF from stability to worsening of HF. ....

How Tight is Too Tight? Funambulism in Banding the Pulmonary Artery in Univentricular Hearts

Doniparthi Pradeep*, Jaydeep Malakar and Gurjeet Kaur Saini

With advancements in extracorporeal technology growing in leaps and bounds, intracardiac repair for complex congenital lesions are becoming easier day by day. Despite these advancements, pulmonary artery banding owes its own ....

A Mini Review on Research of Fastigial Nucleus Electrical Stimulation

Jiang Yu, Runfeng Zhang* and Yili Mao

The cerebellar Fastigial Nucleus (FN) is the oldest nucleus in the development of the cerebellar system. It participates in axial, proximal, and eye movements. FN is also involved in the regulation of various non-physical functions, such as eating ....

Lessons to Learn from Two Cases of TVAR Thrombosis: A Case Series and Literature Overview

Laurent Jamart, Paul Ohayon, Nicolas Durrleman, Nils Perrin, Jean François Dorval, Donato Terrone, Magali Pham, Reda Ibrahim and Walid Ben Ali*

We report two consecutive cases in a month of transcatheter aortic valve thrombosis, one involving the new Sapien 3 Ultra valve (Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, CA) treated surgically. These cases highlight the importance of standardization ....

High Origin of Coronary Arteries in Transposition of Great Arteries

Anand K Mishra, Ruchit Patel*, Vinay Upadhyay1, Vidur Bansal, Subhrashis Guha Neogi, and Vikram Halder

Though coronary artery anomalies are frequent in dTGA, high origin coronaries are rarely observed. Patient with high origin coronaries are more prone to coronaryinjury during coronary button transfer in arterial switch operation with immediate ....

The Effect of Four Different Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Son Coronary Heart Disease in a Han Chinese Population in Xinjiang Region

Shajidan Abudureyimu, Palida Abulaiti, Zhi Xing, Hui Li, Sha Sha Liu, Wen Li and Ying Gao*

In this current work we aimed to find the effect of four different single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) rs1122608 (SMARCA4), rs2230806 (ABCA1), rs12563308 (ANGPTL3), and rs662799 (APOA5) on Coronary Heart Disease ....

Robotic Esophagectomy: Technical Aspects and Outcomes

Miroslav P Peev* and Robert J Cerfolio

The emergence of Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy (MIE) was associated with significant reduction of the rate of postoperative complications. Despite the promising results associated with MIE, the laparoscopic/thoracoscopic approach remains ....

A Patient with Eisenmenger's Syndrome: Major Surgery in a Patient with Severe Pulmonary Hypertension

Hursh Sarma, Cindrel Tharumia Jagadeesan* and Jeremy P Feldman

Eisenmenger's Syndrome develops as a consequence of progressive increases in pulmonary vascular resistance in the context of patent shunts. Peri-operative morbidity and mortality are particularly high in these patients. Increasing survival ....

Analysis of Cardiovascular Rhythms Using Mathematical Models

Augusto Cheffer and Marcelo A Savi*

Electrical activity of the heart is the essential issue for the cardiovascular physiological functioning. On this basis, Electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the most relevant and representative measure of cardiac activity, mainly due to its clinical applications ....

Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion in an Orthotopic Transplanted Heart: A Case Report

Mariem Jabeur*, Peggy Jacon and Pascal Defaye

A 78-year-oldfemale with prior Orthotopic Heart Transplant (OHT) underwent a percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage (LAA) occlusion using a WATCHMAN device. The procedure was technically challenging due to anatomical ....

Intermittent Left Bundle Branch Block - A Challenging Case

Rima Chaddad* and Maroun Soueidy

Intermittent Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB) has been reported in the literature following certain conditions such as cardiac blunt trauma, Myocardial Infarction (MI) or exercise induced LBBB. In the majority of cases, the patients usually have ....

Coronary Artery System Arising from a Solitary Coronary Ostium from the Right Sinus of Valsalva

Kristopher Pfirman*, Richard Pham, Dominic Haddad, Connor Donley, Mohammed Kazimuddin and Aniruddha Singh

Coronary arteries arising from a single ostium are a rare anatomica variant. If an interarterial course is present this may manifest as angina and even sudden cardiac death. In our case, the left main coronary artery arises from a single ....

18 Years Old with History of D-TGA Post Arterial Switch Surgery Presented with Chest Pain Found to Have Left Anterior Descending Artery Aneurysm

Victor Mwansa, Amandeep Goyal*, Jonathan K Chandler, Gagandeep Singh Talwar, Hemindermeet Singh, Nadish Garg, Austin Cusick, Pankaj Bansal, Preetraj Kaur and Lovely Chabbra

Aneurysm of the proximal left anterior descending artery has previously not been reported in D-transposition of the great arteries following an arterial switch operation. Arterial switch operation was performed on a male at 1 week of life ....

Left Atrial Decompression as Palliative Therapy for Heart Failure Patients with Preserved Ejection Fraction

Fabio Chirillo, Umberto Cucchini, Massimo Carasi, Mirko Zadro and Eustaquio Maria Onorato*

Heart Failure with preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF) may be a challenging diagnosis and has a limited medical treatment available. We describe a case of HFpEF requiring diastolic stress assessment as confirmatory test and creation ....

Ablation of Idiopathic Ventricular Arrhythmias Originating from the Left Ventricular Summit with CARTOUNIVUTM Module

Xuexun Li* and Xingpeng Liu

Left Ventricular Summit (LVS) is the most common region of origins of idiopathic epicardial Ventricular Arrhythmias (VAs). VAs originating from this region can be eliminated by catheter ablation applied by using approaches like pericardiocentesis ....

The Effect of Lifestyle Modification on the Overall Health, Particularly During the Covid-19 Period Using GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (no. 298)

Gerald C Hsu*

This paper describes the author's health condition quantitative improvements resulting from his lifestyle modification, especially on his diabetes control within a 4.5-year period covering two years from 7/1/2018 to 6/30/2020. Special attention has been placed ....

Mechanical Circulatory Support Use in Advanced Heart Failure

Adrian Cid-Menendez and Owais Dar*

At any given moment, a small proportion of heart failure patients have advanced heart failure that may also benefit from either heart transplantation or mechanical circulatory support. Worldwide there is a donor organ shortage therefore left ventricular ....

Misunderstood Outflow Pattern of the Outflow Vein Risks AV Fistula (AVF) Occlusion

Jan David Süss*, Klaus Fürste and Michael Gawenda

Failed needle cannulation of AVF due to insufficient maturity of the vein can be caused by outflow obstruction. These stenoses are common in the central venous system or cephalic arch but also seen in the upper arm in case of forearm fistula. ....

An Unexpected Surprise in the Cath Lab: CTO RCA PCI

Carlos Salazar*, Pablo Salinas, Nieves Gonzalo and Javier Escaned

A 49 years old-male presents with SCD. Coronary angiography showed a critical stenosis in proximal LAD, treated with a DES. Also, the RCA had a mid-segment CTO which underwent staged PCI. The first angiogram evidenced a peculiar image ....

Cutaneous Side Effects of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors

Andrea Carlo Merlo, Gian Marco Rosa* and Italo Porto

During treatment with Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEIs), some dermatological adverse reactions may occur. The aim of this review was to focus on the main dermatological lesions which are associated with treatment ....

The Coronary Sinus Reducer™ System for the Treatment of Patients with Refractory Angina: A Single Centre UK Experience

Ali N*, Patel PA, Jamil H, Waleed M, Thapar S, Lindsay SJ, Sainsbury PA

Refractory Angina (RA) is characterised by persistent anginal symptoms despite optimal medical therapy and revascularization. The aim of this study is to assess the effects of Coronary Sinus ReducerTM (CSR) implantation on symptom burden ....

A Case Series of Anomalous Right Coronary Artery Arising from the Left Coronary Artery

Thet Khaing*, Nandakumar Ramasami, Koo Hui Chan

Coronary arteries with anomalous origin are often found incidentally. The Coronary Artery Surgery Study (CASS) registry has shown that anomalous coronary arteries are more prone to develop atherosclerosis. When presenting with acute coronary ....

Cholestabetes Medical Practice Activity (MPA): Overcoming Treatment Inertia in Diabetes

Anatoly Langer*, Mary Tan, Lianne Goldin, Daniel Ngui, Vincent Woo and Lawrence A Leiter

The objective of this study was to assess the care gap in the management of risk factors among high cardiovascular risk patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) who were not at guidelines recommended A1C and LDL-C target despite....

Hemodynamic Effects of Dexmedetomidine in Pediatric Cardiac Transplantation Recipients during Cardiac Catheterization

Shabana Shahanavaz*, Margie Tucker, Kelly Chilson and David Balzer

Pediatric heart transplant recipients routinely undergo surveillance cardiac catheterizations requiring various levels of sedation often using Dexmedetomidine. The transplanted heart is removed from direct sympathetic nervous....

Prevalence and Types of Supraventricular and Ventricular Arrhythmias Developing in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

Baktash Morrad*, Selda Eraslan and Bulent Gorenek

Investigation of the incidence of arrhythmias and association of arrhythmia with gender in the early period in patients diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome and treated with percutaneous revascularization. ....

Contemporary Trends in Canada for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation: Quality Enhancement Initiative to Evaluate Stroke Risk and Improve Outcomes in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (Question AF)

Langer A*, Tan M, Mitchell LB, Habert J, Coutu B, Ngui D, Duong A, Grégoire J, Paquette D, Wulffhart Z, and Nguyen-Tri I

The objective of this report was to assess the care gap in the management of Atrial Fibrillation (AF) using a national chart audit. Care gap was defined as the difference between actual practice and that recommended by the....

Stress and Coronary Heart Disease

Ehsan Shahverdi*and Atieh Asadollah

Cardiovascular diseases are known as the leading cause of death in industrialized nations and a significant etiologic factor for mortality in developed countries [1]....

Enoxaparin Dosing for Acute Coronary Syndromes in Obese Patients-Should There be a Maximum Dose?

Doson Chua* and Anita Tataru

Enoxaparin dosing for treatment of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) in obese patients is controversial and current guidelines do not provide recommendations. This review will systematically search the literature to determine if a maximum dose...

What is the Best Treatment for Hypertension in Old Patients?

Ehsan Shahverdi*, Maryam Allahverdi Khani

According to data from questionnaire answered by 39% of physicians [1]. Based on these data, intensive education about the best treatment of hypertension in elders seems necessary. More than 50% of Americans between the ages of 65 and 75 years...