About Us

Henry Publishing Group

About Us

Henry Publishing Group is an open access, multidisciplinary, international online publishing house, where it promotes publishing of the latest research in the fields of science. The Henry Publishing Group publishes all types of articles like research, reviews, short communication, case reports, mini review, opinion, commentaries, theory, editorials etc., to disseminate the knowledge globally. The article quality is standardized by the strictly blinded peer review process. Henry Publishing Group has been disciplined into Clinical, Medical and Life Sciences. The researchers unveil the laws of nature to the society by research. Henry Publishing Group intensifies sharing of knowledge to the scientific community and helps for the betterment of society. This lays the best forum for scientists, researchers, surgeons, physicians and pedagogy to communicate strengthen and expands the integrity of original research, also assists for the professional development.

Henry Publishing Group follow an Open Access Journals publishing model which means all the journals are made freely available online upon publication. We believe this increases the visibility, citations and impact factor for the journals published. Henry Publishing Group, a modern and innovative publisher of scientific journals provides free access to research articles and the latest research information without any barrier to the scientific community. Henry Publishing Group publishes peer-reviewed scholarly journals involving a wide range of academic disciplines. Publishing of journals is done through an open access model that are available in online. We maintain a responsible and ethical environment which ensures the transparency and integrity in the publication process. All the journals from this organization will be freely distributed and the articles published by Henry Publishing Group follows the creative common attribution license.